Episode 206: Panel Discussion on Complications as a Vitreoretinal Surgeon

Episode 206.png

Drs. Allen Chiang, Sunir Garg, M. Ali Khan, and Ajay Kuriyan join the program for a panel discussion on managing complications as a vitreoretinal surgeon: how do you counsel patients in the setting of a complication? How do surgeons resolve their own feelings of responsibility and guilt? How do you learn from complications without becoming paralyzed by indecision?

Financial Disclosures:
Dr. Chiang is a consultant for Apellis, Orbit, Recens Medical and receives grant support from Genentech, Regeneron, and Apellis. Dr. Garg is a consultant for Allergan, Bausch and Lomb, Deciphera, Johnson and Johnson, Merck, and Topivert and receives grant support from Aerpio, Allergan, Eyegate, and Wills/Retina Implant. Dr. Khan is a consultant for Allergan. Dr. Kuriyan is a consultant for Allergan, Alimera, Regeneron, Valeant and receives grant funding from Roche/Genentech and Second Sight. Dr. Sridhar is a consultant for Alimera, Alcon, and Oxurion.

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