Episode 152: Journal Club including Drug Prices in U.S. Versus Australia, SCORE2 Secondary Analysis, Statins for Diabetic Retinopathy

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Daniel Chao and Dr. Shriji Patel join to discuss 3 recent articles in JAMA Ophthalmology regarding drug prices in the US and Australia, SCORE2 study results secondary analysis, and statins and diabetic retinopathy. All articles can be found below:




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Financial Disclosures:

Dr. Sridhar is a consultant for Alimera, Alcon, and Allergan.

Dr. Chao is a consultant for Recens Medical Inc., DTXPharma, Allergan, Visgenx, and Zilia and receives research funding from the National Eye Institute, Bright Focus Foundation, Clearside Biomedical Inc., Chengdu Pharmaceuticals, Opthea Ltd, Genentech, and Apellis Pharmaceuticals.

Dr. Patel has no disclosures